Below is a sermon by George Vandeman, former Director of It is Written Telecast. It is titled, Fallout on Calvary: Jesus’ Death on Calvary.
It was May 1946. The place – Los Alamos. A young and daring scientist was carrying out a necessary experiment in preparation for the atomic test to be conducted in the waters of the South Pacific atoll at Bikini.
He had successfully performed such an experiment many times before. In his effort to determine the amount of U-235 necessary for a chain reaction – scientists call it the critical mass – he would push two hemispheres of uranium together. Then, just as the mass became critical, he would push them apart with his screwdriver, thus instantly stopping the chain reaction.
But that day, just as the material became critical, the screwdriver slipped! The hemispheres of uranium came too close together. Instantly the room was filled with a dazzling bluish haze. Young Louis Slotin, instead of ducking and thereby possibly saving himself, tore the two hemispheres apart with his hands and thus interrupted the chain reaction!
By this instant, self-forgetful daring, he saved the lives of seven other persons in the room. He realized at once that he himself would be bound to succumb to the effects of the excessive radiation he had absorbed, but he did not lose self-control. Shouting to his colleagues to stand exactly where they had been at the moment of the disaster. He drew on the blackboard an accurate sketch of their relative positions so that doctors might discover the degree of radiation to which each had been exposed.
And then, as he waited beside the road with Al Graves, the scientist who except for himself had been most severely infected – as they waited at the roadside for the car that was to take them to the hospital, he said quietly to his companion, “You’ll come through all right. But I haven’t the faintest chance myself.” It was only too true. Nine days later he died in agony.
Nineteen centuries ago the Son of the living God walked directly into sin’s most concentrated radiation, allowed Himself to touched by its curse, and let it take His life. The accumulated guilt of the ages released its deadly contamination over Calvary. And He who made the atom permitted Himself to be nailed to the tower at ground zero, allowed wicked men to trigger the cruel device we call Calvary. But by that act, He broke the chain reaction. He broke the power of sin.

And strangely true were the mocking words of the rulers who watched Him die: “He saved others; himself he cannot save.” Matthew 27:42.
Never were truer words spoken. For to interrupt the chain reaction of sin, to stop its deadly fallout, He must give His own life. He could save Himself and save others as too. It is as He spoke to every man, “You can come through all right. But I haven’t the faintest chance Myself.”
“Jesus paid it all,
All to Him I owe;
Sin had left a crimson stain:
He washed it white as snow.”
– Mrs. Elvina M. Hall
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