This post addresses one of the most important topics i.e. what the bible says about death. Death is our greatest enemy and we all want to find out what the bible has to say about it. This post will address that question.
What The Bible Says About Death
Before we address this important issue about what the bible says about death, we wanted to share some beliefs or ideas out there about the state of the dead. They are drawn from other religions.
1. Strange Ideas About Death
Years ago in India, a Jain monk came to visit me in a travelers’ bungalow. Over the lower part of his face he wore a thin cotton mask; and as he walked up the roadway, he used a small broom to brush the pathway ahead of him.
The Jains, a branch of the Hindu religion, believer in transmigration of the soul. They think that when a person dies he assumes some other form of existence, so that in his next reincarnation a man may live again as a cow, a monkey, or an insect. The Jain wore a mask and swept the path in order to avoid swallowing a gnat or stepping on a beetle and thereby killing some friend or relative who may have become an insect.
“Man dieth, and wasteth away: yea, man giveth up the ghost, and where is he? Job asked. (Job 14:10.) This is a good question, one of interest and concern to every man. We all have lost a loved one. We all face death ourselves someday, and we need to have our questions about death answered.
What is death? How long does it last? There are many voices in the world purporting to answeer these questions.
While I was in India, I lived for some years near a Zoroastrian Tower of Silence, where the followers of Zoroaster place the bodies of their dead on grates. Vultures denude the bones in seconds, thus carrying, they believe, the soul of the departed to his reward.
The Buddhist believes in an ultimate state called Nirvana. He looks forward to a condition of blissful oblivion where care, pain, love, or other external reality will not exist.
Orthodox Mr. Average Christian believes that good people go to heaven and bad people go to hell when they die.
What does happen to a person when he dies? Where does he go?
2. What Happens After Death?
The best way to learn something about a place you have never visited is to talk with someone who has been there. On one occasion while I was traveling by plane, a man in the seat ahead of me expounded at great length about Africa to his seatmate. I listened intently, for I was interested in Africa. I had lived there for six years and traveled in many of its countries; though I laid no claim to being an expert on the subject, I knew little about the situation there.
As I listened, questions surged through my mind. What the man was saying simply did not square with the facts as I knew them, and I was not surprised when he climaxed his assessment of Africa and her problems with a frank, “Well, that’s what I think about the situation in Africa today and what should be done.” He paused, then continued, ”Of course, I’ve never been there, but that’s my opinion.”
It is, of course, far better to ask someone who has been there when you wish to learn about a place you have never visited.
You and I have never tasted death, never gone down into the tomb, never come back with the answer to, What happens to a person whe he dies? Where does he go? What lies beyond the tomb? But I know Someone who has!
Jesus Christ, God’s only Son, knows what is in the tomb, for He has been there. He knows what happens when man dies, for He died. He came back to answer our question: “I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive forevermore, … and have the keys of hell and of death.” Revelation 1:18. He is the ultimate authority on death. Instead of having to deal with unproven theories, He speaks from experience. He has conquered death and knows its secrets.

Jesus knows, and He has the answer to life’s most profound question. We, too, may know the answer to this question.
Related Posts:
What Happens After Death : State of the Dead Bible Study – William H Shea
No Sickness In Heaven. No Death in Heaven
CD Brooks Sermon: AH HA (Powerful Sermon on Death of Christ)
The resurrection of The Dead At The Second Coming of Christ – CD Brooks Sermon Transcript
Bible Facts: What Happens When You Die – CD Brooks Sermons Transcript
Can The Bible Be Trusted? – CD Brooks Online Sermon Transcript (Daniel 2)
John Lomacang preaching on state of the dead
In the video below Pastor John Lomacang of 3ABN preaches on the topic of the state of the dead. In other words he is preaching on what the bible says about death.
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