Today’s post is another super amazing post that addresses the idea of being freed from the law. What does the bible really men when it says that we are freed from the law? Does it mean that we can do whatever we want? Please pay attention to the post below to learn more.
Freed From The Law
“None of the old law for me,” the man declared indiginantly. “I am free from the old bondage. I want you to know that the blood of Christ makes me free!”
I was a bit taken aback by the outburst, but because I had heard such theology propounded before, I was not too surprised when my new acquaintance erupted with such vehemence. We had been discussing the Christian’s relationship to the law of God.
“When Jesus Christ died upon the cross of Calvary, He did away with the commandments, and I am free, I tell you- free!” he continued vigorously.
“It is certainly true,” I ventured patiently. “If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed,’ ” I said, quoting John 8:36.
My friend began to smile. I had seen the light, he was sure.
But I was not through explaining. I said to him, “Paul explains what the blood of Christ frees us from. In the sixth chapter of Romans-twicie in verses 18 and 22 – the apostle says we are freed from sin – not from the law.” Then we continued to study the Bible together.
The person who breaks the law is not one who long enjoys freedom. In fact, the lawbreaker is the one who loses his freedom. The jails are full of men and women who have lost their liberty when they broke the law. Normally, those who keep the law are the ones who enjoy freedom. They are not the ones who are a danger to society. It is only those who either break the law or who try to get around it. It is the same in spiritual society.

“I will walk at liberty,” the psalmist asserted, “for I seek thy precepts.” Psalm 119:45. The person whose life is in harmony with the commandments of God, one who, as Peter says, is “not using….liberty for a cloke” (1 Peter 2:16), is truly free in Christ Jesus. In fact, James speaks of the Ten Commandments as the “perfect law of liberty.” (James 1:25.)
Only in true obedience can we find true freedom.
I hope that you have learnt a lot from today’s post on freed from the law.
Below are some posts that will help you learn more about this and other lessons.
Free Online Sermon Transcript of “When Grace Is A Curse” by Pastor CD Brooks.
Pastor Henry Wright Sermon Transcript & Audio – The Jesus Nobody Wants
Relationship Between Love and Keeping the Ten Commandments – CD Brooks Sermon Transcript
How Do You Become A Christian and Remain A Christian? – CD Brooks Sermon Transcript
Neither Do I Condemn You Go and Sin No More (God In Bad Company) – CD Brooks Sermon Transcript
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