In this post, we are going to discuss the topic of Christian Stewardship.
Even the best of words can get timeworn with constant usage until they become little more than cliches, conveniently used to cover a multitude of ideas and sometimes employed as camouflage for more disturbing and unwelcome thoughts that discretion would conceal.
There are also fashions in words and phrases; some soon become dated and cry out to be discarded. There was a time, for instance, when “Systematic Benevolence” rang sweetly on many ears, but today it has a Victorian ring that makes it unacceptable to contemporary ears. “Christian stewardship” may already be going the same way and may need replacement now or not much later.
These time-conditioned thoughts should not obscure the lasting value of the substance of which a title may conceal much and reveal little, for it is the substance and not the title that counts. In this post, we need to recognize the indispensability of benevolence, the desirability of its being systematic, and the need for stewardship that is truly Christian in motivation and practice.
We should also discern that God wants us to be rich. “Lay up for yourself treasures in heaven,” the Son of man tells us (Matt 6:20), knowing what where our treasure is there our heart will also be. And we lose much by interpreting that solely in terms of ethereal wealth. Heaven is the depository where all true riches are found, and anyone who invests his wealth there is assured of the highest rates of interest and of perfect security.
How may we invest in such a sound venture? The procedure is analogous to the one we follow on earth: we restrain current expenditures in order to have more to invest in high-yielding stocks, bonds, or savings certificates. Our Celestial Adviser urges that we, for much better reasons, reduce our spending on earth in order to build a greater balance “where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal.” Investment there is the most profitable step we can take here if our belief holds any validity at all.
The video below is a bible study or discussion on stewardship