If you like piano music for old gospel hymns then the video below is for you. It is a beautiful piano rendition of the old gospel hymn, “Shall We Gather At The River”.
This hymn is a favorite of many Christians and is sang at all sorts of Christian gatherings including camp meetings. It has even been used in two Academy Award-winning Hollywood movies: Trip to Bountiful (1986) and Three Godfathers (1916).
Robert Lowry composed this song in July 1864. He was a Baptist pastor and also composed among other songs, I Need Thee Every Hour and Low in the Grave He Lay.
The inspiration for this song came after he began to meditate and think about heaven. He imagined the golden throne and before it, a multitude of saints gathered around the crystal river of life. This made him wonder why many hymns referenced the river of death but few talked about the river of life.

Out of this experience, which filled him with a sense of great joy, came this beautiful hymn, “Shall We Gather At The River”.
Below are the lyrics and a 3ABN video showing Dave Colburn playing this hymn on a piano:-
- Shall we gather at the river,
where bright angel feet have trod,
with its crystal tide forever
flowing by the throne of God?
Yes, we’ll gather at the river,
the beautiful, the beautiful river;
gather with the saints at the river
that flows by the throne of God.
- On the margin of the river,
washing up its silver spray,
we will walk and worship ever,
all the happy golden day.
(Refrain) - Ere we reach the shining river,
lay we every burden down;
grace our spirits will deliver,
and provide a robe and crown.
(Refrain) - Soon we’ll reach the shining river,
soon our pilgrimage will cease;
soon our happy hearts will quiver
with the melody of peace.
I hope you have been blessed by this music.
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Please share this sweet music, Shall We Gather At The River, with your friends and family.