It is with great sadness I learned today that Pastor CD Brooks has passed away after a battle with pancreatic cancer. He passed away on Sunday 5th June 2016. He was one of my favorite Adventist preachers and I have listened to tens of his sermons. May God be with his family at this difficult time.

He has led thousands to Christ through his evangelistic efforts. His mother’s conversion to Adventism is also very inspiring and I got the following from the Adventist Review website.
“Charles Decatur Brooks was born on July 24, 1930, outside Greensboro, North Carolina, as the 10th child of Marvin and Mattie Brooks.
Six months later, his mother learned about the Seventh-day Sabbath while lying on what she thought was her deathbed after unsuccessful surgery. A bright light filled her hospital room at night, and a voice said, “Mattie, I want you to keep My commandments,” C.D. Brooks told the Adventist Review in 2006.
Mattie Brooks, a faithful Methodist and the daughter of a pastor, was confused.
“Lord, which one am I not keeping?” she said.
She heard no answer. But suddenly the fourth commandment sprang to mind: “Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy” (Exodus 20:8).
Mattie Brooks made a miraculous recovery and began keeping the seventh-day Sabbath in her home from midnight Friday to midnight Saturday. She knew of no other Sabbath-keepers for the next 10 years.
“Never heard of Adventists,” C.D. Brooks said in the interview. “She had no tracts, no teacher, no Bible study, no anything.”
Her Methodist minister and other church members tried to dissuade her from keeping the Saturday Sabbath. But when the head deacon saw that she would not change her mind, he presented her with a wrapped copy of The Great Controversy by Adventist Church cofounder Ellen G. White. Young C.D. Brooks opened the package with a pair of scissors, and his mother read it with great interest.
Then when C.D. Brooks was 10, a Seventh-day Adventist literature evangelist knocked on the family’s door with some books. The very next Sabbath the family was worshipping in an Adventist church for the first time. Brooks recalled that a large copy of the Ten Commandments had hung on the wall of the church and that it had left a big impression on him.
The family began to observe Sabbath from sundown Friday to sundown Saturday.”
May we all be faithful till the end and meet his servant when he rises from the dead on that resurrection morning.
Here is the link to his sermons on this site.
Man Stuck In The Mud (King Herod Perplexed by Jesus) – CD Brooks Sermons
CD Brooks Sermon: AH HA (Powerful Sermon on Death of Christ)