In the video below Professor Ranko Stefanovic or Andrews University presents a bible study on the Meaning of the symbolic language of the book of Revelation.
The book of revelation is largely written in symbols making it difficult for casual readers of the Bible to understand it. As a prophecy book, the book of Revelation and Daniel are distinguishable from the straightforward classical prophetic books by other major and minor prophets of the Old Testament.
There are a few ways that Bible Students have developed over the years to understand the symbols found in the book of revelation. The presenter in the video below follows the historical or continuous historical method in understanding the symbols and prophecies of the book of revelation.
The historical method assumes that the prophecies of Revelation unfold from the time of the prophecies to the final establishment of God’s eternal kingdom.
In the video below, Professor Ranko Stefanovic, a New Testament professor and expert on the book of revelation presents a bible study on the meaning of the symbolic language of the book of revelation.
Central Theme of the Book of Revelation: Video Bible Study by Prof. Ranko Stefanovic
Revelation 6 Commentary: Breaking The Seals of The Mysterious Book (End of Days Prophecies)
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Is there a list of the Commentaries given in chronological order of each episode, 1st-last?