Below is a sermon titled, Jesus and that Other Thief (The Thief on the Cross) by E E Cleveland.
One of the most touching events during the crucifixion of Christ is the story of the two criminals that were crucified together with Christ. One joined the crowd in despising Jesus but the other one asked for forgiveness.
This other thief while hanging on the cross, saw Jesus for who he really was, and cried out: “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom” (Luke 23:42). And Jesus stopped dying and gathered all the energy he could muster to respond to his request.
It is interesting that Jesus did not quote his earlier teachings about the need for righteousness. He didn’t talk about the need for holiness.
Instead, Jesus lifted up his head and told this thief who earlier had been cursing him, basically saying, I am telling you right now, that despite your faults, crimes, etc you will be with me in paradise. Your place is guaranteed in heaven.
There was simply no time for him to become a mature Christian feasting on hard food and not milk. There was no time for baptism even though the bible says he who believes in me and is baptized will be saved.

Why was this case different? There is really no difference at all. The only thing that can make a sinner righteousness is the righteousness of Christ only. Nothing that we do can merit our salvation. The only thing that saves us is the righteousness of Christ credits us. This righteousness can only be found in Christ.
Of course, if he had come down from the cross he would definitely have been a changed man because of this experience with Christ. Christ not only pardons us but he changes us too. But it is all His work and not our work. Our duty is just to cooperate with him.
Ellen White in Faith and Works wrote: “If you would gather together everything that is good and holy and noble and lovely in man and then present the subject to the angels of God as acting a part in the salvation of the human soul or in merit, the proposition would be rejected as treason”
E E Cleveland Sermons: That Other Thief
Join the late EE Cleveland in the video below as he preaches on the topic, “Jesus and That Other Thief”.
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