Below is a transcript of Evangelist CD Brooks sermon, “Man Stuck in the Mud” based on the story of Herod who was perplexed by Jesus Christ and His message. This is one of my favorite Christian sermons.
Mr President and Christian friends it’s good to come back to Pennsylvania again, it’s been a while. I was told if I had been about five minutes late Elder Walters was going to preach. Then someone suggested that he take an hour and I would take an hour tonight. I don’t know if that will work out but I am sincere when I tell you we are glad to be with you and I appreciate the kindness of your president in introducing me.
We have just returned from our second meeting in Bermuda just completed it and the Lord richly blessed us again down there on that beautiful island. I love camp meetings too. I enjoy going from place to place. The problem is we have them so close together.
I just thought about it: tomorrow evening I’m scheduled in this auditorium and then the following morning at six-fifteen I’m supposed to catch a plane out of Washington to Alabama camp meeting. So the schedule gets a little tight but it’s always good to be with God’s people.
And I frankly have changed my mind about what I was going to talk about this week when Dr. Newhart asked me my subject, I halted for that reason. I think the title will be, “The man in the mud”.
And I want to read to you from the book of St Luke chapter nine and beginning with verse seven these words, “Now Herod the tetrarch heard of all that was happening; and he was greatly perplexed because it was said by some that John had risen from the dead, 8 and by some that Elijah had appeared, and by others that one of the prophets of old had risen again. 9 Herod said, “I myself had John beheaded; but who is this man about whom I hear such things?” And he kept trying to see Him”.
Luke introduces Herod as the tetrarch, A Tetrarch was a governor of a part of the country. It was considered by imperial Rome that since Rome ruled the world no man was worthy to be called a king except Caesar and so they came up with some other names or some other designation for these tributary princes.
They wanted to give them some honor but they wanted it understood that they were puppet rulers. And some were called tetrarch and some were called ethnarch some were called firarch. Herod was the tetrarch of Galilee. This man was a small ruler of Rome not considered of sufficient importance to be called a king.
Now Matthew and Mark were not as careful with their language as Dr. Luke was so they did call him king but Luke called him what he was, tetrarch. His father was Herod the Great who gave him his territory including Perea which was beyond Jordan. He had a brother who was Philip and Luke says he was the tetrarch of Iturea and Traconitis while Lysanias was tetrarch of Abilene.
But the word that I caught in this verse seven that I would highlight tonight is the word “perplexed”. Herod heard about Jesus and was perplexed. The Bible says.
That’s a curious word, an interesting word. It comes from a Greek term which means he was stuck in the mud. He heard about Jesus and he couldn’t move easily. He got bogged down and couldn’t go forward and he couldn’t retreat and he didn’t move from side to side as he generally liked to do. He heard about Jesus and was stuck in the mud.
Luke uses that term more than once. The Bible says in Luke’s book that in the last days nations would be distressed with perplexity. They would get stuck in the mud. They wouldn’t know what to do about their problems.
Ladies and gentlemen we’ve come to that today. Right in our own lifetime, we see the greatest and strongest nation on earth literally stuck in the mud, perplexed about its many problems.
A little country that could be almost swatted out of the way with a swipe of the arm has held America hostage now for more than two hundred and twenty-seven days and nobody knows what to do about it. We are stuck in the mud; you go in there to try to rescue those hostages and they probably will be killed if you don’t do it…; there is no way to negotiate it seems and we are bogged down.
Well not only that, consider our economic history in the richest nation on earth. All of a sudden we’ve got a two headed monster one head is called inflation and the other head is called recession and the medicine you take to cure one makes the other worse. We’re stuck in the mud.
When I was a boy I was brought up during the Depression-era. We knew what it meant to be in a Depression but we didn’t have inflation at least; you could buy a loaf of bread for a nickel. But today prices are high and unemployment is high and money doesn’t go anywhere. We are stuck in the mud.
And the greatest brains are giving counsel and advice and as soon as they tell us what to do, another man with equal credentials will get on television and say that will not work you ought to try this. And we don’t know what to do. We are perplexed.
The Bible says in the last days the nations would be distressed and they would know how to solve their problems. They would be perplexed or to use Luke’s descriptive word “stuck in the mud”. In other words they cannot be delivered from their mood of incertitude. This was so with Herod when he heard about Jesus at all that Jesus taught and all that Jesus lived and all that Jesus lived. It disturbed so he could hardly sleep. His conscience warred against his soul. He was perplexed.
Now the interesting thing about him is that his perplexity is an unusual kind. He was not perplexed because he did not understand the truth that Jesus taught. The problem was his own instincts were at variance with Christ’s dogma. This is what perplexed him.
He was accustomed to a certain lifestyle and all of a sudden Christ comes along preaching the truth and setting a high standard and his lifestyle is brought into conflict with what Jesus is saying. This perplexity didn’t come from ignorance. It came from knowledge and I say that’s curious. It’s like many of us. Our problem is not that we don’t know what to do. It’s that we don’t want to do it.

Mark Twain once said it’s not all of those things in the Bible I don’t understand that bother me, it’s those things I do understand. That’s where the rub is. The Lord speaks and we want to do it this way and the Lord says no and we wanna say yes. This creates perplexity. Only the a man of faith who moves as God moves is at peace today. Otherwise we’re stuck in the mud.
Now there’s something else I want to tell you about this man, Herod. We understand that he was a Sadducee. Many of you know about Sadducees. They were a minority religion or a political party representing the wealthy, the affluent the men of power in Christ’s day. The Sadducee had their hands on the pulse of things. They controlled the reins of government and they controlled the economy. The Sadducees had everything their hearts could desire, it seems.
Sadducees had certain beliefs. One of their beliefs was that they did not believe that anyone would rise from the dead. Now I want you to follow this. They did not believe it was possible for a dead man ever to live again. This was one of the tenets of their faith and keep in mind that Herod was a Sadducee you see.
Maybe there’s a reason for cultivating this belief. You know some people have so much of this world’s goods they don’t care now whether Jesus comes or not. They would prefer not to believe in the resurrection and in the day of accountability – the judgment.
There are some people who live so well and they have everything their hearts desire. And when you talk to them about the end of the world and the coming of Christ they are perplexed. They had just wish life goes on; the way things are for the rest of their natural lives.
Like the rich man of the Bible who wanted to eat drink and be merry, they have all the money they could want. Now all they need is life to match their money and to be rid of the idea that they’ve got to meet the Lord at the end of the world. Sadduccees.
We’ve got some Sadducees these today men and women in America who are doing so well. They don’t want you to talk about the judgment. They don’t want you to talk about the coming of the Lord. They don’t want to talk about a day coming when the things of this world will be broken down and thrown down and no one will care.
Now they have just gotten into those lovely dream houses and they don’t want to hear that Jesus is coming. Just bought a new car don’t let him come yet they say. Wall to wall carpet. Colored TV. Crockpots and microwave ovens. Everything the heart can desire. Why do we need heaven?
All this is an attitude. Materialism leads to to secularization and secularization is effectively idolatry. And People are afflicted by it today. Sadducees.
We’ve got Pharisees too. Pharisees are those who are slaves to the letter of the law. There are people amongst us for whom everything is wrong and they quarrel on fanaticism. Pharisees. Everything is wrong and they spend most of their time criticizing and telling folks how they can’t go to heaven instead of how they can.
Now Herod was a Sadducee. Now keep in mind one of the tenets of his faith was he did not believe in the resurrection. And yet as soon as he heard about Jesus and he heard that some folks said John had risen from the dead and come back in another form. Or that Elijah might have risen, “risen?”
You and I know that Elijah was translated. Herod didn’t believe in that, he believed that he died and now he is willing to believe that somebody came back from the dead. And he’s clear, at least, on how John the Baptist left because he said him have I beheaded. I know he died because I separated his head from his body. Now could it be that he has come back and that this Christ is he?
And the point I’m trying to make is if Herod had been faithful to his own creed; If Herod had stood steadfastly where his convictions lay; If Herod had stuck to his old doctrine; he would not have been perplexed. Now he might not understood all about Jesus but he would have known one thing according to beliefs that it could not be John the Baptist or Elijah because he did not believe in the resurrection of the dead.
My friends Herod’s Sadduceeism went down the drain when a crisis developed around him. And the truth is that when people forget their creeds. When people surrender their faith. When people give up their doctrines. When people surrender their convictions. They end up perplexed and stuck in the mud like Herod and their lives are uneasy and their lives are of full of fear and apprehension. If they were steadfast in what God reveals they would discover the peace which Jesus gives.
My beloved friends every one of us here tonight sooner or later is going to come to the place where circumstances will play havoc with our creeds. Make no mistake about it, the shaking time commenced a long time ago and it will intensify all the way down to the close of probation.
And every one of us will have his faith tested and the circumstances will become so severe that some will even wonder if they are in God’s true church. Unless you learn to stand on the Word of God now. Unless you learn to believe your beliefs and doubt your doubts. Unless you come to the place you know whom you believe in and what you believe in and how you believe it; these circumstances will wreak your creeds as verily as they wrecked the convictions of Herod and he was perplexed. And that is what will cause us to be perplexed also and stuck in the mud.
I want to tell you tonight, we had better get to know Jesus and His Word for ourselves. Some of us only get our religion from the pulpit and if the preacher is wrong; if the preacher makes a mistake, then we live in error. Now those of us who preach the Gospel want to be men who are credible. We want you to believe what we tell you because we preach to you from the Word of God but I’m saying that is not enough. Every one of us must get to know God for himself and the Bible for himself.
You better learn to do what Ellen White says, “read a text and then meditate on it until God shows you what is in that text just for you”. She said this is what Jesus meant when he said you must eat my flesh and drink my blood. We’ve got to have that experience. For the shaking time will test us personally. And if we don’t know what we believe; and if we don’t know God’s message; and if we don’t know God’s will; how shall we be able to stand. It is awkward to have a creed and not stand for it.
Now we have got many admirable creeds in the church. Our creeds are admirable as long as the wind is blowing from the southwest. As long as the birds are singing and the horizon is protracted. We have admirable creeds as long as the heavens are ablaze with glory. Matter of fact, some of us have our little theories and conjectures and we play the little apologist with our neighbors who don’t know the Bible as we do. As a matter of fact we like to get into into discussions with folks who are not as thoroughly acquainted with scripture as we are.
And some of us get a big kick out of showing how much we know. We love our little creeds. We love to to impress others with our knowledge until trouble comes. When the wolf bites and the money is gone and the mortgage is due. Or when death comes creeping in the room or the doctor says the disease is terminal. Or until we see some temptation we want to indulge so badly we can taste it. Then something happens to our creeds. We do fairly well until the style changes and all of a sudden folk are wearing things we have before thought prohibited. What happens to our creeds then?
What happens to our creeds when we are married well and then all of a sudden we see someone else and the grass is greener on the other side of the fence and we want to rationalize ourselves into an unbiblical divorce and stay in the church at the same time. What happens to our creeds then? We begin to rationalize. We begin to rationalise into the very sin we once abhorred. Our convictions crack, the walls tumble down, something is disintegrated and character is decimated and creed is thrown to the dust and we are perplexed.
Ellen White says rationalism is an idol for it exalts reason above the teachings of the Word of God and the Lord’s servant declares some have already entered into dark and slippery places never to return. Beloved I want to sound a sober and solemn note this evening.
Dr. Martin Luther King used to say unless you find a cause for which you are willing to die you are not fit to live. There are a lot of things I am not willing to die for, but I am coming to the place when it comes to God’s truth, I’d rather die than disobey or disallow it or give it up. For what is life without it. We’ve got to come to the place we are strong in our convictions and nothing and no one can shake us from the exalted plateau to which the Lord has led us.
We must be no more children tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine. Yet wherever I go find men and women and young people who under the slightest pressure like Herod back up and surrender.
I would say to us all in the words of the prophet, “If you have run with the footman and they have wearied thee, how are you going to contend with horsemen”. The footman, the foot soldier, the infantry, I read that in Jeremiah’s time a soldier like that went everywhere on foot and he carried up to a hundred and ten pounds of armor as he went.
Now if a man on foot carrying a hundred and ten pounds of steel out-distances us how are we going to keep up when the horsemen come? How are we going to run with horses and if we can’t keep pace with ordinary mortals on foot?
And then the prophet says “What are you going to do in the swelling of the Jordan. I have been to the Jordan. In the dry season it’s little more than a succession of stagnant pools linked together by little silver threads of trickling water all way from the Sea of Galilee to the Dead Sea. But in the rainy season when the tempest howls the Jordan becomes a howling murderous tyrant. It washes debris downstream with such force it could almost cut a man in two. The waters is deep and over spreads its banks. Snakes and other creatures are agitated.
The prophet says if you can’t cross Jordan in the dry season what are you gonna when the storms come. How are you going to live when the time of trouble intensifies when it’s against the law to worship and to do Gods will. If you can’t serve God in a time of peace, what are you gonna do in persecution. No wonder John cried out “The Great day of His wrath is come and who shall be able to stand?”
I was reading one writer on the subject of suffering and he said we make too much of it. By the way Ellen White says the same thing. She says we shouldn’t even go running to the Lord with every little problem that comes. God allows this. Human nature demands the discipline of suffering. Every time we have the slightest little problem we are ready to fall apart.
Well, I tell you, ladies and gentlemen, you haven’t seen anything yet. That writer referred to our problems as pain prick crucifixions. That’s some description, isn’t it? Little toy tragedies when one real thunderbolt will destroy us. We are falling apart over little things when you don’t even know what trouble is.
I talk to people who can’t stand for their convictions in the face of two friends. They can’t keep things off their bodies simply because their best friend wears it. It doesn’t matter what God says. It doesn’t matter what the Bible teaches. They have no courage and no conviction and no spiritual backbone. Like Herod, they fall apart and are stuck in the mud.
We don’t know what’s trouble is. Recently I preached in South Africa. One day I was sitting in my office at Good Hope College and a young black African came in to see me and he said to me Pastor Brooks I had to speak to you today.
He said when I was fourteen years of age my mother lay dying. My father despised the truth. My father came in and announced to me at fourteen, “when she dies you go out of this house never again under my roof. When that woman dies there’ll be no more Adventism in my house”. Fourteen years of age no housing welfare, no welfare, no nothing if you’ll pardon my double negative.
So he went to the bedside of his dying mother and in her weakness she looked up into the eyes of a fourteen year old boy, just a boy, and with tears streaming down her face she could not tell him where he would live. She did not tell him how he would live. All she had to say was, don’t let go of Christ’s hand; don’t give up your faith.
Then she said son, I wish I had something to give you but I have nothing at all to give. And he said Pastor, she ran her hand under her pillow and pulled out two cassette tapes by a preacher named C. D. Brooks and placed them in my hands. Then he told me what they meant to him in his hour of trouble. I don’t mind telling you I shed tears as I listened to that young boy.
I said where did you go? He said there was nowhere to go. I said where did you sleep? He said I walked until dark and then went behind the hedges of folks houses and slept on the ground. There was danger of snakes. Black and green mambas, deadly snakes, inhabit that area. That’s where he slept and he ate wild berries and wild fruits.
God allowed this test to come until one day somebody heard about it and opened up her home and took him in. And we talk about our troubles. We don’t know what troubles are. We sell the truth cheaply. We give it up easily. And the tragedy is that while many of us surrender point after point after point we think it’s ok as long as we come to church deceiving ourselves.
We need a faith that is unaffected by the barometer. The barometer on my wall which my wife gave me for a birthday present let me know when a storm is coming. Sometimes it points to bad weather while the sun is still shining.
Some of us have a faith so weak that when the barometer says the storm is coming we fall into despair even though the sun is still in the heavens. I say we need a faith unaffected by the barometer. We need a faith unaffected by the thermometer. When trials are hot our faith must cling to Jesus.
Our faith must hold on and never give up. And when we have this kind of stubborn faith it gives centralization and solidity to our Christian experience. And the devil knows he’s got a tough case on his hands. Ladies and gentlemen, why do we get stuck in the mud so easily? We sink down into the mud of perplexity every time a little trial comes.
I’ve already told you that I go to lots of campmeetings. It’s gotten to the place almost everywhere I go there are little groups of people who want to talk to me. Now I’m not talking about folks who have never heard of Jesus. I’m talking about members of the remnant church. They want to talk to me and they ask the oddest questions.
They will get me aside and say Pastor Brooks what is the new General Conference position on wearing jewelry. They are stuck in the mud. Why? I settled that in 1941. That’s the year I was baptized.
In case there is someone who wants to talk to me about that. Let me answer your conundrum now. The General Conference position is the same as it always has been and that is exactly what the Bible says, “Not with gold or pearls or costly array”. And what the Spirit of prophecy says; and what even John Wesley said that women professing godliness should not spend one cent on superfluous adorning. That is the General Conference’s position. Why are folks now stuck in the mud?
Another group will come and say Pastor I understand that the church has a new position on the matter of divorce. No, the Church has not changed because the Word of God has not changed. Would you say Amen out there. This problem is reaching tragic proportions amongst us. That’s why I speak about it tonight. The church’s position is exactly what it always has been and it’s exactly what Christ enunciated in Matthew the nineteenth chapter. And yet people claim to be stuck in the mud.
Let me make a profound statement there is no excuse for a man and his wife both being in the same church and seeking divorce. None. If both are Christians and both in the same faith. I’ve got some counsel for them they had better come down off their high horses of pride and arrogance and selfishness and seek the Lord and get it together before judgment is placed at the door. No excuse.
As a preacher it’s my dubious privilege to try to help with these things. One day a young woman and her husband came to see me and oh were they complaining. She complained about the way he threw his clothes around the house and he complained about the way she wasted his money. And I had sense enough to know neither was discussing the real problem. They were discussing effects and not causes.
When there is a love you will pick up his socks from room to room. And when there is love you will understand it’s not your money it’s yours money. So the problem was not what they were talking about. After they had talked and talked and talked, I said look folks you’re both in the church, sir do you plan to give up your religion if you get a divorce? Oh no, pastor, why? I plan to be faithful; nothing is going to take me out of the church.
So I turned to her and said what about you? Oh, no said she. I plan to go to heaven when Jesus comes. I said you two have enough faith to overcome all sins and weaknesses and go to heaven when Jesus comes and yet you don’t have enough faith to live together like a decent couple down here on earth. That is amazing to me. And finally, the lady said Pastor I guess the problem is I just don’t love him anymore. I said lady the Bible says, “love your enemies”.
Somebody is going to hell over this problem. Is that clear?
Stuck in the mud about what to eat and what to drink. We should have settled while we were in the baptismal class. Once we accept truth, truth does not change and truth does not need correcting. God does not change and he cannot be modernized so we had better change. The church and its standards are fixed and we must be brought into harmony with them and they will not be brought into harmony with us.
And yet people who have been in the church for years are getting stuck in the mud. Pastor Brooks what do we do about tithing gross or net? Stuck in the mud.
They even come to me to ask about astrology. A young lady at our university went into my office that she was literally bouncing and she said Pastor Brooks what is your sign? I said that the Sabbath is my sign. According to Ezekiel 20:12.
She said but that’s not what I meant. I said then what do you mean? She said I’m Sagittarius myself and what are you? I said I’m a Seventh-day Adventist.
Look, is that a problem? Paul Harvey collected about two hundred and fifty great predictions for 1979 by the great astrologists and palm readers and fortune tellers and witches abroad in the land. 250. Do you know how many came to pass? Six. Do you know I could do that well just guessing? And yet we’re stuck in the mud.
Let me tell you there are people out there in the world who are searching, searching, searching for the truths already delivered unto the saints. They are looking for what we already have and while they are searching we all quibbling and doubting and debating and reading memeographed materials and listening to cassettes. Stuck in the mud.
We don’t know what to believe anymore. And others are searching for what God has already delivered unto us.
Not only that but as an evangelist, in fact Pastor Walters and others that have done evangelism know this is so. A few years ago your opposition came from what we referred to as outsiders. Very hard to do evangelism and be friends with all the folk you would like to be friends with because you are winning their people.
I had a buddy in a certain town where I lead evangelistic meetings he was the pastor of another church, a large church. And he got a little cross with me and he said one day, “Pastor Brooks, the trouble with you is you steal my sheep”. I said pastor why don’t you steal some of mine.
There was the time the accusation came from outside. You know we have reached an age of acceptability and we’re not catching so much flak from the outside it’s coming from inside. And more and more and more people who are baptized in the church are turning against it and gnashing their teeth and smashing out here and there. Stuck in the mud.
You don’t know what to believe anymore. Someone told me in Australia, “Ellen White did not know Greek and Hebrew and therefore she was not qualified to make a theological statement for the church”.
Doesn’t that sound clever? I said, my friends, I presume God speaks Greek and Hebrew. Now if He doesn’t we’re in trouble. But if God can understand Greek and Hebrew His handmaiden didn’t have to. He spoke to her in her mother tongue and interpreted Greek and Hebrew for her.
Hold on. I baptize men and women who can not even read sometimes but they know God and they know Christ and they know this is true and they died with smiles on their faces. What’s wrong with all of us educated people that we cannot understand righteousness by faith when folk in the jungle do. Hold on.
And don’t worry what’s going to happen to this church. I’d like to tell you it’s going to triumph. That’s what’s going to happen. It’s going to be shaken and the superflous ones are gonna get out of it. And it will appear she is about to fall but she will not fall says inspiration. What’s going to happen to it? It’s going to triumph.
A few weeks ago I sat on an airplane the biggest one I know of , a 747 jet flying across the Pacific on my way to New Zealand to touch down in Hawaii. I had gone to sleep on the crowded airplane when all of a sudden I was awakened by its wrenching and jerking and twisting and cockskewing and the light flashed on, “fasten your seatbelts”.
And I said oh boy what is this. I have been in lots of storms but these big planes don’t take it so seriously. Then the pilot said ladies and gentlemen we’re crossing the jet stream. He said you read that a storm was headed toward the west coast of the United States. Well, we’re in it and he said it’s going to be rough for a while. So just fasten your seat belt and hold on.
I sat up straight and I brought my reclining back up and I pulled the belt so tightly and it almost hurt. And as the storm got worse I hooked my foot under a chair leg. And as the storm got worse I got hold of the arms of the chair with both arms. And as the storm got worse, I prayed silently at first and then out loud. And as the storm got worse I held on, I tightened the belt. I prayed.
I did everything except get off the plane. Now ladies and gentlemen that was not the thing to do even though that plane seemed terribly insecure; even though that plane seemed to be going through an awful experience; even though one might be tempted to lose confidence in that plane. Don’t get off.
The old negro slave in his old spiritual called the church, the old ship of Zion and he’s saying, get on board, get on board. Ladies and gentleman, the old ship of Zion is headed into a storm now. The end is near. The devil is bringing crisis upon crisis upon crisis now. And the church, the old ship of Zion will seem about to fall apart . It will be tossed to and fro perhaps it will wallow in the waves and you might be alarmed but don’t get off; she will land you safe in glory, the old spiritual says. Don’t get off; she has landed many a thousand, the old spiritual says. Don’t get off.
Christ is the captain and though the shaking time will discharge and detach the superfluous ones the movement will go through and Christ will not abandon the movement. So get on board and get up.
As for me, I love this church and nothing has happened and I pray to God nothing ever will happen to cause me to lose confidence in the movement. Some other folks will not be worthy of our confidence so the bible tells you already “put not your trust in princes”.
Don’t go around watching people even preachers. Just look unto Jesus the author and finisher of your faith. But hold on until that day, that very glorious day when the heavens shall roll back and Christ shall be seen riding down the corridors of space to gather his faithful people.
I want to go all the way through Jesus. How about you? If you do would you stand on your feet right now and let heaven know by this little demonstration that you mean it. Would you bow your heads, would you close your eyes please.
Oh Lord, we’re standing because we do want to do right. O Lord it’s going to be easier for some to be faithful in the hour of supreme persecution. And right now in a time when worldliness is shaking the people give us the coverage of conviction. Hold on to us Lord don’t let us go don’t let Satan take us out of your hand.
Don’t let us be discouraged by all the things that are in the air and all the things that are being said and taped and mimeographed. Oh Lord hold on to us, give us a solid rock foundation. And may we stand the storm until the storm is passed away and the sky breaks clear and the righteous of all ages are taken home to glory. When the thunderous throng of thy people shall be heard sweeping through the gates into the city. Let every one of us here tonight be in that blood washed army of the faithful. We humbly pray in the name of Jesus our Savior. Amen.
CD Brooks Sermon: AH HA (Powerful Sermon on Death of Christ)
Depart From Me I Never Knew You (Lost in Church) – CD Brooks Sermon Archive
If Your Eye Causes You To Sin…If Your Hand Causes You To Sin… – CD Brooks Sermon Transcript
Strait Is The Gate and Narrow is The way (Hard To Save) – CD Brooks Sermon Transcript
Resurrection of The Dead At The Second Coming of Christ – CD Brooks Sermon Transcript
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