I first listened to this CD Brooks sermon in the ’90s. I have called it Neither Do I Condemn You…
This is a transcript of Pastor CD Brooks sermon, LOVE AND DUTY (from the Breath of Life Series by C.…
I have called today’s post as, The Resurrection of the Dead at The Second Coming of Christ. This is a…
This is a CD Brooks sermon titled, Sinful Nature: Born Into Sin (WRONG DESIRES)(from the Breath of Life Series by…
This is yet another CD Brooks sermon and it is titled, EVERYBODY IS GOING TO REPENT SOMEDAY (from the Breath…
I have before you another very powerful CD Brooks sermon transcript. It is titled, Why Do Good People Suffer/ The…
This is yet another CD Brooks sermon titled, Close of Probation: When It Will Be Too Late To Repent –…
This is yet another powerful CD Brooks sermon transcript, CLAIMED AND KEPT, In other words How Do You Become a…
WHAT CHURCH WOULD JESUS JOIN?(From the Breath of Life Series by C. D. Brooks)transcribed and edited by Derek Morris Our…
Below is another powerful CD Brooks sermon transcript on the ten commandments of God (God’s Looking Glass). It is from…