Today’s bible study is titled, the secret of joy for the Christian: How to Have Joy by Pastor Robert H Pierson.
Some years ago in the Orange Free State, South Africa, I met Mrs. Ellen Dippenaar. She was radiant with an inward joy, everything about her diffusing happiness, But Mrs. Dippenaar was blind and confined to a wheelchair, with hands badly disfigured.
Years earlier Ellen Dippenaar had contracted leprosy. During the time she spent in the leprosarium heartaches came in Joblike succession: her only son died of polio, her husband succumbed to cancer, a sister was killed in an automobile crash.
And one day while putting drops in Ellen’s eyes the nurse made a horrible mistake – the “eye drops” turned out to be carbolic acid, and Ellen’s sight was destroyed. A short time later gangrene necessitated the amputation of one leg. During the first fifty-five years of her life, Mrs. Dippenaar had had fifty-six operations, and it seemed incredible that one person could have had so much heartache, so many calamities, in one lifetime.
What would you expect a woman who had experienced so many tragedies to talk about? Her misfortunes? Her bad luck? The unfairness of it all? Not Ellen Dippenaar. Ellen talked of her blessings, of the goodness of God, of all He had done for her. It was no sham, no cover-up. Ellen’s radiant face confirmed every word she spoke.
Mrs. Dippenaar had learned the source of joy just as another Christian named Bill Kinsey had discovered it.
“I think Bill Kinsey goes to heaven every night,” Betty, a small girl, exclaimed.
“Why do you say that?” her mother asked.
“Mamma, Mr. Kinsey must go to heaven every night, ’cause he’s so happy every day!”
Bill Kinsey had his own explanation for the joy he knew. “Joy,” Bill said, “is the flag that flies from the castle of the heart when the King is in residence there.”
When the king is “in residence” in any heart – Ellen Dippenaar’s, Bill Kinsey’s, yours, or mine – joy will be there, too. True Christianity is not all pie in the sky, not all heaven in the hereafter. The apostle Peter tells us that in following Jesus, “even now he brings you a joy that words cannot express and which has in it a hint of the glories of Heaven.” (1 Peter 1:8, Philips.) Paul confirms the assurance of his fellow apostle: “This doesn’t mean, of course, that we have only a hope of future joys – we can be full of joy here and now even in our trials and trouble.” Romans 5:3, Phillips.
Christ came among men to bring joy. The angel’s exultant announcement of His birth is filled with joy: “Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.” Luke 2:10,11.
One inspired writer describes it this way: “The Prince of heaven was among His people. The greatest gift of God had been given to the world. Joy to the poor; for Christ had come to make them heirs of His kingdom. Joy to the rich; for He would teach them how to secure eternal riches. Joy to the ignorant; He would make them wise unto salvation. Joy to the learned; He would open to them deeper mysteries than they had ever fathomed; truths that had been hidden from the foundation of the world would be opened to men by the Saviour’s mission.” – The Desire of Ages, p. 277.
The Scriptures say much about joy in the hearts of men who knew God: “Therefore with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation,” Isaiah 12:3. “In thy presence is fulness of joy.” Psalm 16:11. “Her saints shall shout aloud for joy.” Psalm 132:16. “I will greatly rejoice in the Lord, my soul shall be joyful in my God.” Isaiah 61:10. “Ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory.” 1 Peter 1:8.
Someone had described the prescription of joy in the following acrostic:
J esus – first
O thers – second
Y ou – third
Serving Christ is not a grudging obedience. It is a joy! It is an experience of love and joy to live in harmony with our Saviour and Friend. The Christian connects himself with the greatest source of joy in the entire universe. Christ, Himself is the principle of eternal joy and happiness.
– Robert H Pierson sermon, 1968
I hope that you have been blessed by this study on the secret of joy for the Christian: How to Have Joy by Pastor Robert H Pierson.
Online Sermon Transcript of ‘Happiness for Husbands and Wives’ by Pastor CD Brooks
CD Brooks Sermon: AH HA (Powerful Sermon on Death of Christ)
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