The bible is full of all sorts of stringed instruments and the harp is one of them. Every time you think of a harp, the name of the young David singing before King Saul of Israel comes into mind.
When you listen to the harp you can’t help but understand how it had a soothing effect on the troubled soul of King Saul. I would choose a harp over the guitar if I were to choose one over the other.
Music can be used for all sort of purposes both good and bad. I believe that the harp serves to further the good in music by soothing our nerves. It soothed King Saul’s nerves and it does mine at least.

In the video below Greg Buchanan presents an instrumental rendition of the famous gospel song ‘soon and very soon’. It is courtesy of 3ABN music.
Below are the lyrics of this famous song that was authored by Andraé Crouch
Verse 1
Soon and very soon
We are going to see the King
Soon and very soon
We are going to see the King
Soon and very soon
We are going to see the King
Hallelujah hallelujah
We’re going to see the King
Verse 2
No more crying there
We are going to see the King
No more crying there
We are going to see the King
No more crying there
We are going to see the King
Hallelujah hallelujah
We’re going to see the King
Verse 3
No more dying there
We are going to see the King
No more dying there
We are going to see the King
No more dying there
We are going to see the King
Hallelujah hallelujah
We’re going to see the King
Misc 1
Should there be any rivers we must cross
Should there be any mountains we must climb
God will supply all the strength that we need
Give us grace till we reach the other side
We have come from ev’ry nation
God knows each of us by name
Jesus took His blood and washed my sins
And He washed them all away
Yes there are some of us
Who have laid down our lives
But we all shall live again on the other side.
Unfortunately, this video is no longer on YouTube. I have therefore replaced it with the video below. It is done by the composer himself Andrae Crouch.
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Please share this sweet song, Soon and Very Soon with your friends and family.