In the video at the bottom, we have one of Doug Batchelor sermons on the bible guidance on diet. It is an amazing sermon that will open your eyes to what the Bible says on diet. God is interested in your health too, brothers and sisters.
Bible’s Guidance on Diet
The origin of God’s concern for every detail of His children’s lives derives from His great love and His desire to see them develop to the best of their potential. “Higher than the highest human thought can reach is God’s ideal for His children.” – Education, p. 18.
For them He has lofty ambitions: “For thou art a holy people unto the Lord thy God, and the Lord hath chosen thee to be a peculiar people unto himself, above all the nations that are on the earth” (Deut. 14:2). He saw what they could become under His tutelage. The depth of His love can be gauged by realizing that He also knew what a disappointing people they would continue to be.
In spite of the Israelites’ frailties, the Lord gave them the information that would enable them to remain far healthier than their neighbors.

This was the purpose behind the guidance concerning clean and unclean foods recorded in Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 14:3-21, and since the physiology and habits of the listed creatures have not changed, the counsel is as valid today as when it was given more than 3,000 years ago. We shall certainly lose no good thing in abiding by its precepts.
It is generally agreed that the question of total abstinence from intoxicating drinks can not be settled solely on a biblical basis. While there were some who denied themselves whatever pleasures are reputed to come from alcoholic drinks, the general population used such beverages as far as their means would allow. With the ministry of Jesus Christ and the birth of Christianity came a more critical attitude toward social evils and a readiness to deny self in order to set an example that would lead others to eschew all kinds of strong drink.
The nineteenth and twentieth centuries have seen many brave temperance movements at work, but it must be confessed that none has made much impact on the continuing problem of drunkenness, which is still ruining constitutions and characters and brings needless poverty, injury, brutality, and fear into the lives of alcoholics, their families, and other victims. In the face of such persistent evil, the Christian can best help by practicing total abstinence himself and by encouraging others to do the same. He will thereby promote his own health and that of those who follow his example.
Christianity and health cannot be separated.
Doug Batchelor Sermons: What The Bible Says About Healthy Living
Below is Doug Batchelor preaching on what the bible says about healthy living. Enjoy.
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I hope you have been blessed by this Doug Bachelor sermon on Bible’s Guidance on Health.