Today’s topic is titled, Signs of Jesus’ coming. This is the wonderful message you can ever hear from any preacher. It will mark the end of all troubles and sorrows.
Signs of Jesus’ Coming
It is dangerously easy for the human mind to concentrate on the concrete and to neglect the reflective. Jesus did not fall into that error: He gave balanced attention to both aspects of all the subjects He touched.
When informing His followers of the signs of His return, He dealt also with their effect on the minds of those who observed them. After announcing “signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars,” He foretold distress and perplexity among the nations and observed that “men’s hearts [would be] failing them for fear” because of the peace shattering events that were coming upon them (Luke 21:25,26).

To all Christians of all ages the Savior addresses solemn counsel. “Take heed to yourselves,” He advises (verse 34), but He does not thereby advocate a “save yourself” program. He is rather recommending self-examination because of the spiritual dangers that will confront His followers in the troubled times that precede His coming.
Are we surprised, even shocked, at the warning? We should be, for it deals with some topics that ought never to trouble a Christian-dissipation (surfeiting) and drunkenness. The most effective solution to those problems is prevention by temperance in eating good food, even at festive times, and total abstinence from all intoxicating drinks, making drunkness in any form a non-event.
The third peril mentioned by Jesus is “cares of this life,” or every day worries. In one sense these cannot be avoided, and their number will increase as times become more troubled. But their impact can be lessened, even minimized, by avoidance of gluttony and rejection of intoxicants, disciplines that yield clearer minds capable of handling daily anxieties, a regimen that produces mens sana in corpore snao, a sound mind in a sound body. Those who look for our Lord’s appearing should be among the foremost examples of these Christian temperance principles.
An urgency in applying these counsels arises from the passage of time. One and a half centuries have passed since the spectacular fall of stars in 1833, a short space on the divine time scale, but the length of two or three normal human lives, bringing us significantly nearer to the coming of our King.
We need to be aware of the danger of being taken unawares (Luke 21:34), remembering that ” ‘that day will close on you unexpectedly like a trap’ ” (verse 34, N.I.V.). Safety, according to the King Himself, lies in spiritual preparedness. ” Be on alert, praying at all times for the strength to pass safely through all these imminent troubles and to stand in the presence of the Son of Man” (verse 36, N.E.B.).
Only those who have received Him as their personal savior will be ready to receive Him. You, therefore, need to seriously consider accepting Jesus as your personal savior. Will you please accept Him as your Saviour today.
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A few years ago in the northern part of the Belgian Congo we had car trouble, and I waited in a little park on the shore of Lake Albert while the repairs were made. The government administrator of a large nearby district happened along, and soon we chatted as amiably as his spoken English and my thirty word French vocabulary permitted.
The conversation turned to world events, and I referred to the prophecies of the Bible and stated that the dangers of war and the unrest and trouble hanging over many parts of the world seemed to be a fulfillment of Christ’s words describing conditions just before His second coming.
“But,” my friend objected good-naturedly, “there have always been wars and threats of war-all down through history.”
“Yes,” I said, “what you say is true, but never has the world known war and political violence on anything like the scale we are witnessing in our day.” Then I refreshed his memory with some facts of history in many lands in recent years. He readily agreed that no previous generation had experienced turmoil and trouble on the scale our tortured generation has experienced it.
The same objection my Belgian friend made was urged in the Apostle Peter’s day: “Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation.” 2 Peter 3:4.
Peter reminds us that doubters and scoffers are themselves signposts announcing the soon return of Jesus: “There shall come in the last days scoffers” who will challenge the truth of the advent. (Verse 3.) He also mentions that they “willingly are ignorant.” (Verse 5.) Let us not let this day come upon us as “a thief in the night.” (Verse 10.) Seeing we “know these things” (Verse 17), let us watch and be ready. Sometimes we can remedy the problems that result when we are late- but not this time.
John Lomacang: Second Coming of Jesus Sermon Video
In the video below John Lomacang preaches on the Second Coming of Jesus. It is my hope that as you watch this video you will take time to ponder on the implications of his coming on your life. If Jesus were to come day would you be ready to receive him?
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