This is another fantastic Walter Pearson sermon titled, The Latter And The Second Coming.
When we look at the billions of people that have to be reached by the gospel, it is understandable to think that it is an impossible task humanly speaking. Fortunately, the Bible says God has a secret weapon that he will unleash at the end of time to finish the work in record time.

Walter Pearson Sermons: The Latter Rain and The Second Coming
In the video below, Pastor Walter Pearson preaches about the Latter Rain, when God will pour out His Spirit with such power as never seen before Christ’s second coming. This power will enable us to finish this work in unimaginable ways. To be able to receive this latter rain, i.e. the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, we need to meet certain conditions. Pastor Pearson using the scripture will tell us what we need to do to be ready for this rain
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Please share this Walter Pearson sermon with your friends and family.