The Second Coming of Jesus – Ron Halverson

Today we have before us another Ron Halverson sermon titled, The Second Coming of Jesus. I never tire listening to Ron Halverson preaching about Jesus. He is such a powerful preacher.

The second coming of Jesus is an indispensable feature in the landscape of terrestrial and celestial history. Without it not only would there be an empty space on the vast canvas of events but the whole composition of the picture would be ruined, the carefully placed lines would lead to a gaping hole, the placement of light and shade, color, figures, earth and sea and sky, would be meaningless. In less pictorial and starker terms the first advent of Jesus would have raised hopes that will never be fulfilled, there would be no triumph over sin, and God would not be vindicated.

Praise be! We are not left to face that gloomy prospect. The Second Advent is as certain as the realities of creation, the Incarnation, and the sinless life and vicarious death of our Lord. In the complex jigsaw puzzle that we call history, it is one of the few remaining pieces that are waiting to fall into place. A few major events in each decade can be seen as smaller pieces that gradually add to the picture until only one more piece will be needed to complete the scene – the appearance of Christ Himself.

Movement in the Biblical view of history is inexorably toward the Second Coming. Its coming can be discerned in Genesis, it intermittently appears in the remainder of the Old Testament, comes into its own in the New, and shines in all its radiance in the Apocalypse.

Ron Halverson Sermon: The Second Coming (Video)

In the following video, Ron Halverson preaches on the topic Anchored in The Truth About The Second Coming.


The resurrection of The Dead At The Second Coming of Christ – CD Brooks Sermon Transcript

The Latter Rain And The Second Coming Video Sermon by Walter Pearson

Prophecies of Daniel 11 Commentary: Amazing Daniel Sees The End of The World Coming

Signs of Jesus’ Coming

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