In this post, I present to you a very powerful and captivating sermon from one of the most gifted Seventh-day Adventist preachers, Pastor Walter Pearson Jr. It is titled, “Still Standing In A Storm” but I have decided to change it to “Jesus Calms Storm on the sea of Galilee” for the sake of the search engines.
In this sermons Elder Walter Pearson Jr preaches from the story of Jesus calming the storm on the sea of Galilee. He was then Speaker/Director of the Breath of Life Telecast Ministries.
Related: The Latter Rain And The Second Coming Video Sermon by Walter Pearson
This story of Jesus calming the storm is found in the gospels of Mark, Matthew and Luke. The story starts with Jesus due to weariness after a hard day asking the disciples to take him to the other side of the Sea of Galilee.
Whilst in the boat Jesus sleeps and that is when suddenly the storm starts. It is not unusual for the Sea of Galilee to have sudden raging storms.
While His disciples were busy trying to save the boat and trembling in fear the bible says that Jesus was soundly sleeping through all this noise and commotion. This is very significant as it shows his complete trust in the protection of His father.
It is in the midst of this commotion that the disciples suddenly realised that they had Jesus in the boat. And they called upon him to help them and asked him, “Teacher don’t you care if we drown?”
Jesus rebuked them for their lack of faith and said to the waves, “Quiet Be Still”. This rebuke applies to us as well as we too struggle to believe in the midst of our storms of life.
Pastor Walter Pearson picks up on the fact that when Jesus awoke, he stood in the midst of his disciples and calms the sea. He stood up in a boat being tossed to and fro without being toppled down. He can do the same for you my friend if you call upon Him in the day of your trouble.

One Christian writer has said, “As Jesus rested by faith in the Father’s care, so we are to rest in the care of our Saviour. If the disciples had trusted in Him, they would have been kept in peace. Their fear in the time of danger revealed their unbelief. In their efforts to save themselves, they forgot Jesus; and it was only when, in despair of self-dependence, they turned to Him that He could give them help.
How often the disciples’ experience is ours! When the tempests of temptation gather, and the fierce lightnings flash, and the waves sweep over us, we battle with the storm alone, forgetting that there is One who can help us. We trust to our own strength till our hope is lost, and we are ready to perish.
Then we remember Jesus, and if we call upon Him to save us, we shall not cry in vain. Though He sorrowfully reproves our unbelief and self-confidence, He never fails to give us the help we need. Whether on the land or on the sea, if we have the Saviour in our hearts, there is no need for fear. Living faith in the Redeemer will smooth the sea of life, and will deliver us from danger in the way that He knows to be best.
There is another spiritual lesson in this miracle of the stilling of the tempest. Every man’s experience testifies to the truth of the words of Scripture, “The wicked are like the troubled sea, when it cannot rest…. There is no peace, saith my God, to the wicked.” Isaiah 57:20, 21. Sin has destroyed our peace. While self is unsubdued, we can find no rest. The masterful passions of the heart no human power can control.
We are as helpless here as were the disciples to quiet the raging storm. But He who spoke peace to the billows of Galilee has spoken the word of peace for every soul. However fierce the tempest, those who turn to Jesus with the cry, “Lord, save us,” will find deliverance. His grace, that reconciles the soul to God, quiets the strife of human passion, and in His love, the heart is at rest. “He maketh the storm a calm, so that the waves thereof are still. Then are they glad because they be quiet; so He bringeth them unto their desired haven.” Psalm 107:29, 30.” Desire of Ages Pg 336.
Walter Pearson Sermon Video: Still Standing In a Storm
I urge you to watch the video below and watch and listen as Pastor Walter Pearson preaches as sermon entitled, “Still Standing In A Storm.”
SDA Sermons (Christian and Adventist Sermons)
The Second Coming of Jesus – Ron Halverson
Everybody Is Going To Repent Someday – CD Brooks Sermon Transcript
Why Do Good People Suffer / The Discipline of Trials – CD Brooks Sermon Transcript
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